UX design is an extremely varied, hands-on profession with problem-solving right at its core. Being a relatively new industry, there’s no set hiring process in place forcing recruiters to navigate through a hyper-competitive talent market with no map to follow. The interviews need to focus their interest on the candidate’s approach to
- solving problems
- how they use design thinking to drive processes
- take ownership of the overall user experience
What makes the hiring process more difficult is the fact that there is very little room for errors. Hiring the wrong candidate whose skills do not match the requirements of the company can have adverse effects on the products and its users. Now a UX designer isn’t a one-size-fit-all. Within the UX field, there is a wide array of UX roles to choose from. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the skill set of the candidate interviewing for the UX designer role as the first step of the interview process is crucial to a successful hire.
Here are the types of sub-roles to look out for within the UX designer role.
Interaction design – Interaction designers work on of arranging information into structures meaningful for end users. They are experts in information hierarchies and the ways an interface can transition from one state to another.
User research – User researchers can help you understand your target audience that the product is being built for. It is valuable for gathering insights into how people use your product through usability studies during the design process.
Visual design – Visual designers work on the aesthetics and appeal of a product. Their skills are focussed on polishing products to perfection as well as the skills to create production-ready artwork. They can develop design style guides for the rest of the team to ensure a coherent visual presentation of various features and products.
UX prototyping and front-end development –They will be able to produce designs that are technically feasible from the engineering standpoint and are able to build prototypes to help the team visualize ideas and test them with users. Their value lies in speeding up the design and decision-making processes.
The Generalist – These UX designers have some experience in most or all the above sub-roles. They have just enough experience across all roles to be comfortable enough to fill the needs for now and will then help you extend your team with more specialists.
Knowing what sub-roles you are looking for makes the interview process a lot more efficient by defining the role you want to fill in your company.
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